Saturday, January 10, 2009


So my sis-in-law Heidi gave me the idea to start up a recipe sharing site.  I want this to be a place that all us Moms can share recipes and ideas.  That way, when it's 4:00 and you don't know what you're going to make for dinner, you can come here for a little inspiration.  I've invited a bunch of people, and please feel free to invite more people to the group.  The more people we have contribute, the more recipes we'll have to draw from.  Just add a yummy recipe when you come across one!  Hope you all enjoy it!


Heidi said...

Yeah! Thanks for getting it up and running Jess!

Rachelle said...

Thanks, I'm super excited.

Harmony said...

What a great idea. Thanks for inviting me! I'm looking forward to having more of your recipes. :)